Saturday 30 August 2014

Late BDay Party :3

Ty for those who came - started off with 10.. finished with 3 xDD

The screenshot WON'T UPLOAD!! I'll try get Cat to throw another random party ;)

I had a great BDay... TY For Autos And Msgs :)

Sunday 3 August 2014

No Matter What, CatAndJen will live on

Dear Catharine (I believe that is how you spell it)

What do I say? You have been part of my life for so long (well, it seems that way anyways) and I will actually cry when I leave.... don't say a thing... I will record one final video from my phone, explaining why I will be leaving.

I have kept one specific picture... Me and you :) I will try to post it below, but it might not show up :3

Never forget me Devil Cat... because I will never forget you. CatAndJen forever!!

Friday 18 July 2014

5 Month Cat :D

5 month ago. I can't believe that we met 5 month ago. Best Friends for 4 months. I don't regret a single day ;)

To celebrate, I have put a look on my wishlist (all in gold and white). I would love it of you could do the same, possibly buy my look and be twinnehs? Or you could change your look to silver :D


Friday 6 June 2014

Dad ♥ 2 Month

Dear Dad,

I can't believe that it's only 2 month since your death. It feels longer. So much longer.

So, to mourn/celebrate your life, I will be posting strange things about our time together. I have also posted "This Big World" for you. If you don't like Winx Club, please listen with your eyes closed, because the original song is from Season 4 Episode 25 to mourn for Nabu's death and sacrifice. It has pictures of the Winx in, but I can guarantee that the song has NOTHING to do with the Winx, and it is really sad.  I used to love it as a child, and this song seemed to stick in my head.

I have 2 DVDs (episodes) and 1 movie still in my room, and sometimes I let my sister watch them.

♥ I Love You Dad ♥

Also: The Link is below

Might work, might not.

Monday 21 April 2014

O-O Lol

^   Above ^

I tried to save my bio, which never works -.- So I cancelled it and look what happened xD

Next best thing!

Saturday 19 April 2014

Devil Cat: Forever My Best Friend!

Okay then, guys, I have written this full post up (literally) and it is about 2-3 full A4 pages. If you don't want to read it fine, but if you are DevilCat5, then I would suggest that you do! xD

And no, she isn't actually a Devil. Infact, she is the opposite. She recently made a really heart-warming artie about me on MSP. I will try to screen print it :)

Artie at the bottom :)

Okay, so, everything she said is true. Nothing is a lie. I now look up to her, and aspire to be her (well, almost xD)

How It All Started...

It all started around a month ago. I think I was Level 9, and a Non - VIP. I was just about managing with MSP, as I still got several hate messages ( I won't share names ). Then Cat (if she doesn't mind that cool nickname) added me, and it kinda went from there. She updated her status, asking for people to help her to the next Level (can't remember which one now) so, being the person I am, I gave her an auto. She responded with a 'ty :)' and an auto.

We then gave each other daily autos, and soon, we had crazy conversations! Then, I got VIP. And that is when the hate really started. For some reason, the lower levels (mainly) make us out as enemies. Probably jealousy. But when you actually get horrible messages, it isn't as easy as just walking away. Or blocking them. Because then they can make other accounts (it has happened to me) to get to me. It never stops. It soon went from 1 person to at least 7 within one day. So, when I denied one friend request (due to lag and nothing else) that user gave me hate every single day. I tried to show it didn't affect me, that I was the bigger person, but it was hard. My dad (who you will find out about later) was getting iller by the day, and I spent most of my time looking after him. Cat, who I hadn't even told, cheered me up.

Then one day, the same day my dad got transferred into hospital, I got this message:

" You should just kill yourself. Nobody even likes you "

But, of course, it took several minutes to decipher what they actually meant, as MSP ban some words. But, they allow abbreviations of words (different versions incase you don't know) so that doesn't stop a thing.

I didn't reply. I spent most of the weekend at hospital. They said my dad had days left to live. On Saturday, I stayed the night. I then offered to skip school on Monday, but my Mom said no. It was that night that I found out that my Dad had died that day at hospital. I cried myself to sleep and stayed in bed all of the next day. I think I went on MSP once.

When I finally went onto MSP, I put: ♥ R.I.P Dad ♥ on my status. I shouldn't have. This caused people to make horrible jokes about my dad, and my whole family. Cat tried to cheer me up, and we continued our auto routine. But it didn't have that fun in it. I was depressed. And stupidly, I actually took that message about suicide into consideration.

Then, this message inspired me to be more. To fight against the hate:

" I don't think MSP would be as fun without you! Please don't leave! Haters Are The Motivaters! "

Sadly, I have forgotten who said this. They deleted their account due to hate. ♥ The Memory Of Deleted User ♥ - I am not being witty, sarcastic or mean.

After a few days I realized that I still hadn't said I was staying. So when I logged on, I was disgusted to find around 5 people asking for my account when I 'finally' left. One person even said 'I would make a much better V.I.P' which just inspired me to stay. They then all deleted me. Thank God.

But Cat was even more disgusted when I told her. And she always stuck by me.

D&K Until The End (Possibly xD)

The Artie Is Below :)